

Did you know that feeding our precious pooches commercial dog food can cause diseases like cancer, leukemia, liver dysfunction, kidney failure and many others. My precious pooch 'snuggles' died of stomach cancer, and I often wondered if it was caused by the store bought food I was feeding him. Pet Vitamins might have prolonged his life.

As our dogs are part of our family, and if there was even a slim chance that what I was feeding my dog would cause one of those grave diseases, I would certainly look elsewhere for foods and
Vitamin Suppplements for Pets. Manufacturers only list the ingredients that they themselves include. What goes in at the rendering plants is not included on the labels!! That is where the 'poison' additives go in. Apparently, rendering plants have little, or no, restrictions at all. Until government officials look more closely at this, our dogs are at risk.

If you make your own dog food, that would be great. It has been said that feeding our dogs homemade food could even increase their life span. At least we can control the
Dog Vitamins and nutrients we feed our pets. The added life span would just be another benefit. This doesn't mean that dogs can eat the exact same foods we eat, as their systems couldn't handle everything. Do a little research. There are lots of books available about homemade dog food. Ask your vet to recommend some books on how to make nutritional homemade dog food. Make sure you consult for Vet for the appropriate diet for a puppy.

Check out
UpScale Pet Accessories for Pet Vitamins, Dog Vitamins and Vitamin Supplements For Pets.

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